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Zoom Yoga Classes

Information for New Students

​​​New Student Info Form


How to Join a Zoom Yoga Class with Lisa

You need a smartphone, computer, laptop, or tablet.  Someone who only has a telephone can call in to get an audio feed.  

- 1st class, arrive at class 15 minutes early, future classes arrive at least 5 minutes early

- All classes now require a password which you can get from Lisa - contact here.

- Add your First name and last initial to the Zoom so that Lisa recognizes you. You will be in a waiting room.

- Lisa will admit you to the class and provide zoom support as needed

Computers (Mac and PC), laptops or desktop

Ahead of time or 15 minutes before start time, click the link provided in the Zoom invitation you received after paying for class, and which is also on the Classes-info page  (password needed).  It will take you through a few steps to connect you. Check that your computer's video and microphone are working on the site.  Now you are ready to join the class. 

Tablets, and smartphones first must download the free Zoom App from your APP store.  Then follow above instructions for Computers

Telephones (audio only) phone number is provided in the Zoom invitation that you received after paying for class.





Tips for Being a Student in the Zoom Stream Yoga Class

New Zoom students should arrive 15 minutes early.  Learn to adjust audio and how to "pin" your video to speaker view.  Once you are familiar with the Zoom setting, please arrive at least 5 minutes early so not to interrupt the start of instruction.  Let Lisa know of any new conditions which might affect your practice verbally, chat or in a previous email. If you arrive late, after class starts, Lisa will eventually let you in after the starting centering - could be 5-10 minutes into class, please be patient. 


When teaching, Lisa will mute all microphones.  Hold questions to the end.  This prevents interruptions from cell phones and family members. Please stay muted throughout class unless otherwise instructed, then Lisa will unmute everyone after the final OM.

The instructor may not be able to see you during the class.  Some modifications will be suggested, but move slowly, breathe fully, and pay attention to sensations.  Modify or do less if something hurts.  Ask at end of class or email.


There is a question and sharing period at the end of class when microphones are back on.  Please keep your background noise off, or keep yourself muted.  Email any feedback as well.

Payment Options

I am offering these live stream yoga classes in 3 ways per calendar month. You can pay online or by check.


As of January 2023

  1. Unlimited all classes for the month for $89/($36 for Senior Mat & Chair only classes Tues 3pm

     and Sat 9am).  Discounts available for early bird registration last week of month.  Both include prerecorded audio and video available on this website.

  2. Single Class pay for individual classes $6 for Senior Mat and Chair and $16 for Regular Kripalu classes.

  3. Online payment or by check to Lisa, contact her for link to address.

Online Videos

Do you have a monthly subscription to Senior or All Classes?  You are welcome to use the video page to supplement missed classes or add more to you weekly practice.  You will need the password for the page, so contact Lisa to get that, after you register.


Online Payment 

NO CLASSES Thursday 11/23/23 and also 12/22/23 to 1/5/24.  Classes re-start after holiday break on Sat Jan 6, 2024

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